Object detection datasets often include a large number of easy examples and only a few difficult ones, which can make training difficult. To address this issue, researchers have developed **OHEM**, or **Online Hard Example Mining**, which is a technique that improves the efficiency and effectiveness of training by automatically selecting difficult examples for training.
What is OHEM?
OHEM is a bootstrapping technique that modifies SGD, or Stochastic Gradient Descent, to selectively sample exa
Understanding OMGD
If you have ever heard of GANs, you may have come across something called OMGD. OMGD stands for Online Multi-Granularity Distillation, which is a fancy way of saying it is a framework for helping computers learn to make things like images or music. But what exactly does that mean?
What are GANs?
First, let's talk about GANs. GAN stands for Generative Adversarial Networks, which are a type of artificial intelligence that can create new things. You can think of GANs like an
Online Normalization is a technique used for training deep neural networks. In simple terms, it replaces arithmetic averages over the entire dataset with exponentially decaying averages of online samples. This helps in achieving a better convergence rate while training the neural network.
What is Online Normalization?
Online Normalization is a normalization technique that helps in training deep neural networks in a faster and more accurate manner. It replaces arithmetic averages over the full
Introduction to OODformer
Transformers are a popular tool in machine learning models as they can extract information and patterns from large amounts of data. OODformer is a type of transformer-based OOD detection architecture. OODformers can identify out-of-distribution (OOD) images or data that do not belong within the existing dataset. It is an advanced technique that leverages transformers and visual attention to identify these irregularities.
How OODformer Works
OODformer uses the visual
Overview of OPD: Single-View 3D Openable Part Detection
Openable parts are common features in many man-made objects like vehicles, furniture, and appliances. These parts are designed to be easily opened and closed for maintenance, repair, or replacement. Examples of such parts include doors, drawers, hoods, and trunks. Detecting these parts and predicting their motion parameters is critical in many computer vision applications, including robotics, autonomous driving, and augmented reality.
Open-domain question answering is a type of task that aims to answer questions on open-domain data sets, such as the vast array of information found on Wikipedia. The goal is to provide accurate and relevant answers to questions in a way that simulates human intelligence, while relying purely on machine learning algorithms to do so.
What is Open-Domain Question Answering?
Open-domain question answering is a part of natural language processing that aims to answer questions posed to it by human
Open Information Extraction - An Overview
Open Information Extraction (OIE) is a method used in Natural Language Processing (NLP) to extract structured and machine-readable representations of the information present in a text. The goal is to extract the meaning of the text in the clearest and simplest way possible to create triples or n-ary propositions.
What is Open Information Extraction?
Open Information Extraction is a type of information extraction that uses a machine-learning algorithm
Open Knowledge Graph Canonicalization: A Beginner's Guide
If you've ever used a search engine like Google, you've probably noticed that it can return a lot of results. Often, you'll see similar or duplicate information in the results, which can be confusing. This can happen because the information is stored in what's called an Open Knowledge Graph, which doesn't identify equivalent entities and relations. This is where Open Knowledge Graph Canonicalization comes in.
What is Open Knowledge Gra
Open set learning (OSL) is a new approach to the traditional concept of supervised learning. It is a more realistic and challenging way to train classifiers to detect test samples that fall outside of the training data. This means that the labels of the test samples may be from classes that were not seen during training.
The Open Set Recognition Sub-task
The sub-task of open set recognition (OSR) involves the detection of test samples that do not belong to the training set. In other words, OS
Opinion mining, also known as sentiment analysis, is the practice of identifying and categorizing opinions expressed in a piece of text. This is done to determine whether the writer's attitude towards a particular topic, product, or service is positive, negative, or neutral. The process of opinion mining involves using natural language processing and machine learning techniques to analyze large volumes of text data such as customer reviews, social media posts, news articles, and more.
How Opin
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is a technology used to convert typed, handwritten or printed text into machine-encoded text. This conversion can be performed using electronic or mechanical devices. The technology is commonly used for scanning documents and photos to extract text from them.
How Does OCR Work?
OCR works by analyzing the shapes and patterns of text characters in an image. The technology uses complex algorithms to identify the patterns and convert them into machine-readable
ORB-SLAM2 is a powerful system for real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) that can be used with various types of cameras. This includes monocular, stereo, and RGB-D cameras. The system is capable of map reuse, loop closing, and relocalization capabilities. It is designed to work with standard CPUs and can be used in a variety of environments - from small hand-held indoors sequences to drones that fly in industrial environments and cars that drive around a city.
What is SLAM?
Understanding Ordinary Least Squares Regression: Definition, Explanations, Examples & Code
The Ordinary Least Squares Regression (OLSR) is a regression algorithm used in supervised learning. It is a type of linear least squares method utilized for estimating the unknown parameters in a linear regression model. As a regression algorithm, OLSR is used to predict continuous numerical values. It is widely used in various fields, including finance, economics, engineering, and social sciences, to ana
Overview of Orientation Regularized Network (ORN)
Orientation Regularized Network (ORN) is a technique used for pose estimation that allows for the fusion of multiple views of an object in order to gain a more accurate understanding of its orientation. Specifically, ORN makes use of IMU orientations as a structural prior to mutually fuse the image features of each pair of joints linked by IMUs. This allows for the fusion of the features of the elbow to reinforce the ones found at the wrist for
Orthogonal Regularization: A Technique for Convolutional Neural Networks
Convolutional Neural Networks (ConvNets) are powerful machine learning tools used for a variety of tasks, such as image recognition and classification. However, these networks can suffer from vanishing or exploding signals due to repeated matrix multiplication. One solution to this issue is the use of orthogonal matrices, which maintain the norm of the original matrix. In order to encourage orthogonality throughout trainin
One-Shot Aggregation with an Identity Mapping and eSE is a technical term used in the field of computer vision and machine learning. This term represents a machine learning model block which is used for image classification. It enhances the process of One-shot aggregation with a residual connection and automatic feature learning to output an effective squeeze-and-excitation block.
What is One-Shot Aggregation (OSA)?
One-shot aggregation (OSA) is a building block that has been designed for con
The world of artificial intelligence is always advancing with the aim of making tasks faster and easier. One of the tasks in AI that has sparked attention is the alignment of images with text. Oscar, a new learning method, has been made to ease image-text alignment by using object tags detected in images as anchor points.
What is OSCAR?
OSCAR is an abbreviation for Object-Semantics Aligned Pre-training for Vision and Language Understanding. Its primary function is to align images and text, ma
Outlier Detection: Identifying Anomalous Data Points
Outlier detection is a tool used to identify unusual data points in a given set. These anomalous instances are different from other points and can provide important insights into the dataset. For example, outlier detection can be used in the security field to identify potential threats, or in manufacturing to detect parts that are likely to fail. Outlier detection is a core task of data mining and is widely used in many applications.
The Im