Involution is a type of operation that can be used in artificial neural networks, specifically deep neural networks. It is a technique that involves inverting some of the design principles behind the commonly used convolution operation. While the traditional convolution operation applies the same fixed kernel (a square matrix) to each spatial location in an input image, involution instead operates using distinct kernels for each spatial location, but shares these kernels across channels. This me
Understanding Local Relation Layer: A More Efficient Way of Extracting Image Features
Image feature extraction is a crucial process in computer vision, where an algorithm identifies and analyzes meaningful patterns and features in images. One common method for image feature extraction is using a convolution operator, where a fixed filter is used to identify specific patterns in the image. However, this method can be inefficient at modeling visual elements with varying spatial distributions.
Non-Local Operation is a component used in deep neural networks to capture long-range dependencies. This operation is useful for solving image, sequence, and video problems. It is a generalization of the classical non-local mean operation in computer vision.
What is Non-Local Operation?
Non-Local Operation is a type of operation for deep neural networks that captures long-range dependencies in the input feature maps. In simple words, it computes the response at a position as a weighted sum of