Griffin-Lim Algorithm

The Griffin-Lim Algorithm: A Method for Spectrogram Phase Reconstruction If you have ever listened to digital music or spoken with someone on a video call, you have benefited from the Fourier transform, a mathematical technique that helps convert time domain signals into frequency domain signals. One specific application of the Fourier transform is the short-time Fourier transform (STFT), which allows us to analyze signals over time by breaking them into small, overlapping segments. While the

Phase Gradient Heap Integration

PGHI: A Noniterative Method for Short-Time Fourier Transform Phase Reconstruction What is PGHI? PGHI is a noniterative method for the reconstruction of short-time Fourier transform (STFT) phase from its magnitude. By using the direct relationship between the partial derivatives of the phase and the logarithm of the magnitude of the STFT, this algorithm can produce a fast and efficient phase estimate. This approach is suitable for long audio signals and can even improve the solutions of iterat

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