Closed-loop Weighted Empirical Risk Minimization

Controlled Word Error Rate Minimization (CW-ERM) is a method used to improve the accuracy of speech recognition software in real-world scenarios. Why is Speech Recognition Important? In today's world, speech recognition has become a vital tool in various industries, including healthcare, education, and business. People use their voices to interact with technology for various reasons, such as hands-free operation, accessibility, and convenience. Speech recognition technology has improved treme

Deep Equilibrium Models

DEQ, or Differential Equation Networks, is a new kind of neural network model that allows for efficient computation of gradients without the use of activations. This results in a significantly reduced memory footprint, making it a promising method for solving complex problems. What are DEQs? A differential equation is a mathematical expression that relates a function to its derivatives, representing how the function changes over time. DEQs are neural network models that use differential equat

Self-adaptive Training

What is Self-Adaptive Training? Self-adaptive training is an algorithm used to improve the quality of deep learning models. It corrects problematic training data by using model predictions to improve its generalization capabilities. This technique allows the algorithm to perform well even with potentially corrupted training data, which could yield good results that were unachievable before. How Does Self-Adaptive Training Work? Self-adaptive training uses an exponential-moving-average scheme

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