
SentencePiece is a tool used in natural language processing to segment words into smaller subunits, making it easier for machines to understand and analyze them. This makes it a useful tool in tasks such as language translation, sentiment analysis, and chatbots. What is Subword Tokenization? Subword tokenization refers to the process of breaking down words into smaller subunits or segments, called subwords. It is a useful technique when working with languages that have a large number of words


What is WordPiece? WordPiece is an algorithm used in natural language processing to break down words into smaller, more manageable subwords. This subword segmentation method is a type of unsupervised learning, which means that it does not require human annotation or pre-defined rules to work. The WordPiece algorithm starts by initializing a word unit inventory with all the characters in the language. A language model is then built using this inventory, which allows the algorithm to identify th

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